Entry #0: Blogs, Surprisingly Pleasant!
Growing up, I've never had any interest nor positive view on Blogs, especially growing up in low income family. I wasn't exposed to the internet until my mid teens, so anything related to the internet was for much more wealthier families. Therefore, Blogs were something that people well off did on there free time, and was about their day to day lives. Growing with Fred from YouTube being at his peak, gave me that impression early on. Plus, when my family was finally able to afford an internet plan, my brother and I reserved it for YouTube and online gaming. So blogs were the farthest thing from my mind. But with the internet being more and vital in today's world, Blogs are strong a well, and there are a few that caught my interest, and of course those that didn't. But as I explore more and more, my opinion changes towards the positive. Primer magazine was one Blog that I enjoyed surprisingly well. Here are a few reason's I enjoyed the Blo...