Blog #7 Fesh


Watching the 2009 documentary film "Fresh" for the first time was an eye opening experience despite it's quality. It's controversial topic and intense claims get the audience thinking and questioning the quality and integrity of modern agriculture. The general public will learn a lot about agriculture and the questionable decisions made by large companies.

On the flip side to the bad the good things certain individuals and foundations are making great strides in educating proper agriculture. Even proving many people wrong, and proving agriculture of the old is sustainable and can be done on a large scale. 

"Fresh" can arguably be still considered current. Issues like land degradation, and tainted water supplies are announced as possible side effects of poor agricultural practices. One can say the film foreshadowed these current issues. 

With these issues ignorance isn't bliss, and being willfully blind to these issues is doing more damage than good. How can a film from 14 years ago still be prevalent and predict our current issues. The answer, not knowing, or willfully avoiding these concerns is the answer. The only way for change to happen is the general public being educated to things happening around them. Lack of observation to things happening right under their nose and into their mouths, is a growing concern and has been for years. 

Ultimately weather to bother caring or not is up to the audience. But knowing and not doing anything is just as bad as not knowing. 


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